
Showing posts from November, 2023

CAPSTONE BLOG #4: 11/25/2023

  For the work period of November 11 - November 25 what work toward your team's project has been completed?  Please provide a description of tasks that are completed, as well as tasks currently in progress. From November 11 th up to November 25 th , Team 30 has established the tying mechanism design, established the design of the rest of the device, and analyzed individual device aspects for validation on the device’s intended movement. The team has also built up a Bill of Materials for the indented pieces of the solution (aluminum extrusions, wooden base, t-bolts, etc.) and held continued weekly meetings with the professor for technical advice on design review writing and the DR presentation slides. A visual of the tying mechanism, a clamp piece, is shown in Figure 1.    Figure 1: Demonstration of tying mechanism when open and closed As the semester is coming to a close, the team is finalizing the dimensions for all of the mechanisms to ensure there are proper tolerances and no m

CAPSTONE BLOG #3: 11/11/23

               Some of the tasks that Team 30 has completed from October 28th to November 11th include regularly scheduled meetings with the professor for advice in the guidance of the project (advice on validation plan and project constraints), a meeting with a potential stakeholder to gain insight on the need of the project, and further research on developing a device to mechanically tie an overhand knot. The tasks that are currently in progress include finishing the design of a tying mechanism that successfully ties a trash bag, finishing the design of the overall device by combining the tying mechanism with support, and researching the materials that are most suitable in building the tying mechanism as well as the overall product itself. Team 30’s plan for near term work is to prepare as early as possible for the design review. The major milestones the team hopes to achieve is the finalization of the tying mechanism and validation plan. For the tying mechanism, research on tyin